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Climate Smart Agriculture




1000+ ha 

"To achieve sustainable nutrition and global food security, we must evolve our current agri-food system into one that is more resilient, productive and climate-positive."

Dry land agriculture faces challenges, such as depleted farmlands, degraded farm environments, and disillusioned farm populations. Farmlands cultivated for generations are losing significant soil fractions, fertility, and water-holding capacity. The degradation of the farm environment exacerbates this situation. In India, regions like the Deccan Plateau with low and uncertain rainfall conditions are becoming unviable for farming due to inappropriate land-use practices and depleted vegetation. Climate change has far-reaching impacts on agricultural production, which can challenge food security in the future. 


To mitigate the impact of climate change, farmers need to adopt climate-smart agricultural practices using available local resources.


Regenerative Agriculture


Regenerative agriculture is an evolution of conventional agriculture, reducing water use and other inputs and preventing land degradation and deforestation. It protects and improves soil, biodiversity, climate resilience and water resources while making farming more productive and profitable.

A sustainable agricultural system integrates livestock, crop production, fish, poultry, forestry, and other production systems to benefit each other. The main principle is that there is no waste.

Integrated Farming Systems (IFS)


Why Climate Smart Agriculture?


With Climate Smart Agriculture, local resources (such as soil, water, vegetation, local plants and animals, and human labour and skills) are optimally utilized, making it economically viable, ecologically sound, culturally appropriate, and socially just.

Farmer Field School (FFS)


We build the farmers' capacities by organizing the Farmer Field School (FFS). In this practical field study program, farmers learn together using hands-on methods of discovery learning to solve their field problems by fostering participation, interaction, joint decision making and self-confidence.


Farmers acquire knowledge and skills through FFS that increase their productivity and income. Farmers can also learn various technologies and share experiences with other farmers through discovery learning methods. The result is a greater awareness of sustainable farming practices and improved nutrition and food security.


We facilitated the implementation of  35 farmer field schools in Ground nut and Tomato crops in the APDMP project and organized the field days at the end of the season.


We have implemented soil fertility improvement and productivity enhancement measures in projects like NABARD WDF watersheds, NABARD KfW soil project, and Community managed natural farming. We have seen positive results from farmer adoption. However, these measures need to be integrated and implemented holistically, i.e. integrated natural farming approaches to mitigate the impacts of climate change.


The Framework


We promote climate-smart agriculture by incorporating integrated farming systems models and regenerative agriculture practices among farmer groups, making farming more viable and profitable.


“Integrated Natural

Farming Systems” 

Each Individual household should have...

  • Regenerative Agriculture Farm

  • Compost Pit

  • Kitchen garden

  •  Livestock (Sheep/Cows)

  • Backyard Poultry

  • Agro-Forestry

  • Horticulture

  • Biogas plant


Tel: +91 94402 24274

           +91 94402 18961



Near Weekly Market, P.O. Tanakallu,

Tanakallu Mandal - 515 571
Sri Sathya Sai District (erstwhile Anantapuram Dt),

Andhra Pradesh, India.


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