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Thematic Areas


We aim to protect and restore ecosystems by empowering rural communities with sustainable integrated landscape development approaches and improving their livelihoods by addressing gaps in the value chain. We combine various themes to ensure the physical, economic and social well-being of the communities we work with.

Climate Smart Agriculture


We promote climate-smart agriculture by incorporating integrated farming systems approaches and regenerative agriculture practices among farmer groups to ensure that farming is feasible, viable and profitable. These practices restore organic carbon in the soil, improving soil fertility and productivity.

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We facilitate participatory watershed project implementation through village watershed management committees. We support the committees and CBOs in participatory planning, grounding and monitoring, and transparent fund management.

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Ecological Restoration in Commons and Agriculture Landscapes 


Partnering with local communities and stakeholders, we promote restoration strategies that increase the tree cover in Common lands and farming landscapes by planting and encouraging the natural regeneration of native species.

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We promote participatory groundwater management interventions, like crop water budgeting, bore well sharing, drip & sprinkler irrigation, life-saving irrigation etc. The groundwater management committees at the panchayat level will actively promote these interventions.


We implement safe drinking water interventions in villages where communities face severe water quality issues and contamination. We also support building appropriate infrastructure like cattle ponds, farm ponds etc. These structures are helpful for the drinking water need of livestock during the summer months.

Water Management 

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Community Managed Seed Banks


We promote the regeneration and retention of drought-resilient: local and improved seed varieties and millets.  We encourage community participation and decision-making at every level of establishing local seed banks.                                                                                           

We collaborate with Government bodies and other NGOs to integrate Government schemes and subsidies available for seed production and distribution. The responsibility of seed procurement production and distribution lies with FPOs, whereas Jana Jagruti acts as a catalyst and supports the CBOs in capacity building, certification, data management etc.

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Farmer Producer Organizations



We promote Farmers Producer Organization (FPO) to improve farmers' production, productivity, and profitability, enhancing their income and quality of life. We facilitate market linkages for procuring inputs and selling the farmers' produce.

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We promote quality health services and disease prevention measures and drive change to ensure comprehensive and equitable health systems through capacity development.     


We collaborate with governments, civil society, and the private sector to ensure everyone can access affordable health services of the best quality. We also work to improve healthcare access and strengthen health systems to reach the most vulnerable populations.


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Wild Life Conservation


We significantly enhance wildlife conservation efforts and protect endangered species by effectively safeguarding their critical habitats. We achieve this through promoting collaboration and establishing robust institutional governance mechanisms.

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Tel: +91 94402 24274

           +91 94402 18961



Near Weekly Market, P.O. Tanakallu,

Tanakallu Mandal - 515 571
Sri Sathya Sai District (erstwhile Anantapuram Dt),

Andhra Pradesh, India.


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