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Ecological Restoration


1258+ ha 
Common Land

464+ ha
Agro Forestry

Trees Planted

"Ecosystem supports life on Earth. Ecosystem conservation and restoration is key to ending poverty, combatting the climate crisis and preventing mass extinction."

Ecological restoration plays a vital role in preserving biodiversity by restoring degraded ecosystems. It also aids in mitigating climate change vulnerabilities and enhances the natural conservation values of protected landscapes. It also helps in creating a healthier environment and more resilient communities.

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Why Ecological Restoration?


Restoration of Commons


In the last half-century, the area of Commons has declined by 40- 50% because of factors like growing population, fragmenting land, technology-driven development projects, degradation of the environment etc.


Common lands conserve biodiversity and enhance water, and nutrient flows into farmlands. Common lands provide flora and fauna habitats, which helps maintain a healthy and resilient farming system.


In dryland regions, most farmers practice mixed farming where agriculture is complemented by animal husbandry, and nearly 70 - 80% of poor households depend on the Commons for animal grazing.


Restoration of the Commons is one of the most powerful solutions to address the effects of climate change. 

Restoration of Agriculture landscapes (Agro Forestry)


We use the term 'agroforestry' to mean using trees in combination with crops, livestock, or both crops and livestock on the same land area.


Trees provide a habitat that increases the biological diversity of agricultural land, including soil biodiversity and agrobiodiversity. They enhance the viability of protected areas by making it easier for animals, pollen and seeds to spread across.


We have implemented many environmental restoration projects through institutions, including common lands and agricultural landscapes. The activities like sowing, planting, and allowing natural regeneration are taken up in Common lands. The Forest fires are controlled, and the community's dependence on firewood is reduced by using alternative sources.


Integrating with MGNREGS, we have also implemented soil conservation measures in common lands. This increased tree cover and improved water availability and biodiversity in the project area. 


In addition, the institutions played a pivotal role and developed bylaws that protect commons from fire, free grazing and tree cutting for firewood. Agriculture landscape restoration has been done by planting a combination of fruit trees on agricultural lands, followed by bio-mass production on the field bunds. The farmer can get biomass from the bund planting and use it as compost for farming. Besides providing income from fruits, fruit trees also give organic leaf manure for improving soil fertility.

The Framework

  • In addition to planting more trees, we also work to restore landscapes and protect them from deforestation in the long term.


  • We work in threatened and degraded ecosystems and landscapes to create locally-led reforestation projects.


  • We build local partnerships to deliver long-term transformation.


  • We design restoration strategies in partnership with local communities and stakeholders.


• Protecting remaining intact commons through 

strengthening local governance and reducing pressure in buffer zones;


• Restoring degraded commons through planting and encouraging natural regeneration of native species;


• Planting agroforestry systems that increase tree cover in farming landscapes and provide food and timber for local families.


  • We build eco-friendly alternative income programs such as bee-keeping and sustainable agriculture. This reduces pressure on the forests while improving food security and nutrition.


  • We provide training, guidance and equipment for women-led micro-businesses, such as tree nurseries or community-managed honey production.​

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Tel: +91 94402 24274

           +91 94402 18961



Near Weekly Market, P.O. Tanakallu,

Tanakallu Mandal - 515 571
Sri Sathya Sai District (erstwhile Anantapuram Dt),

Andhra Pradesh, India.


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