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"Networking is not about just connecting people. It's about connecting ideas, opportunities and sharing towards empowerment”

Why Networking? 


Networking is key to mobilize useful knowledge and resources from other biomass players in the field. Collaboration among research organizations, Government departments, NGOs, CSOs serves the purpose of development better than working isolation. These players should be brought together to form networks to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas. 


This network should also enable the sharing of resources, such as information on projects, training opportunities, and best practices etc. Through these networks, a more effective mobilization of knowledge and resources can be achieved. Wherever it can see the possibilities for sharing and availing relevant knowledge, skills and resources, the organization will establish stable links with them. This will enable continuous interaction. To ensure success, the organization will continuously assess potential partners and strive to create meaningful relationships with them. 


The networking  involves developing functional linkages with other development actors like, development departments of state and central government, Agriculture Universities, national and international extension and research institutes like MANAGE, NIRD, CRIDA, ICRISAT, KVK’s, banking institutions like NABARD, local banks, and other related NGOs. The main objective of building linkages is to guide rural communities in mobilizing the proven technologies, on their own, on a continuous basis, and to share experiences and emerging research and development agendas and policy advocacy. This will help the organization in playing an increasingly proactive role in developing suitable strategies for mainstreaming integrated natural farming system approaches as well as other interventions. 

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The organization has implemented several programs by networking with research stations, line departments, NGO partners and district administration etc. These programs include capacity building, awareness sessions, trainings, workshops, and other initiatives to support the organization's mission of promoting sustainable development. 


In addition to the above activities, the organization has been specifically involved in the following projects by networking with the state department, local NGOs and resource organizations. 

In the same way, the organization was actively involved in the Community Managed Seed System (CMSS) program by networking with WASSAN and the Department of Agriculture and facilitated ground nut seed production, procurement, and distribution through Mana Vittna Kendras in Tanakallu mandal. 


Through this program, farmers were supplied with quality seeds in the village through government subsidized seed distribution scheme. 


We have joined APPS (Ananta Paryavarana Parirakshana Samithi), a network of NGO's actively involved in commons development in Anantapuram district. APPS conducts regular meetings with the district administration for rapport building and resource mobilisation. The network succeeded in including common land development in MGNREGA.

  • We establish and strengthen functional linkages with institutions and other biomass actors that expand the promotional thrust in integrated natural farming systems.


  • We network with institutions and other agencies and organize meetings, workshops and build stakeholder platforms.


  • The organization builds and operates a wide range of action platforms that bring public & private stakeholders together to facilitate exchange of expertise & formulate collaborative action on sustainability & climate change.


  • We also partner with government departments, NGOs, and CSR partners to co-design and co-implement projects. Our collaborations take diverse forms, ranging from co-development of tools and methodologies to capacity building and ecosystem-based management. We strive to create meaningful and long-term relationships with our partners.

The Framework


Tel: +91 94402 24274

           +91 94402 18961



Near Weekly Market, P.O. Tanakallu,

Tanakallu Mandal - 515 571
Sri Sathya Sai District (erstwhile Anantapuram Dt),

Andhra Pradesh, India.


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