Women Empowerment
Livelihood Units
“A woman is really empowered when she has the power to make and act on economic decisions, to control resources and profits, and to benefit from economic activities “
Why Women need to be empowered?
In the agriculture sector, gender influence the roles of women and men in decision making while impacting access and ownership of resources. Integrating a gender perspective in agriculture is important to realize gender equality and women’s empowerment in the agriculture sector.
It is also important to improve effectiveness of agriculture programs and policies, to improve food security, reduce poverty and increase resilience to climate and other risks. The effects of climate change on women are significant in terms of their physical, psychological, and social well-being.
Women's access to land, inputs, and finance remains limited. Women’s opportunities to get skills and education are limited compared to men, which further restrict their ability to increase their productivity. This makes it difficult for women to increase their income and improve their livelihoods.
Although women play a wide range of roles in agriculture, they are often paid less than their male counterparts for the same work. Gender gap in accessing and controlling agricultural resources, inputs, and technologies still remains a challenge to overcome. As a result, women's agricultural productivity is often lower than men's.
Women continue to have less secured land tenure than men, despite legal and institutional reforms to protect their rights. They have limited access to financial services and products, such as, credit and insurance, due to limited ownership of assets, lower literacy levels, limited mobility and social norms.
Women need to be involved in designing and implementing climate-resilient actions, and we must develop strategies to encourage and support women-inclusive climate action especially in rural areas.
The organization has already implemented women empowerment programs and ensured women's involvement at various stages of project implementation. Specifically, we focused on landless and women-headed families, and sustained their livelihoods with need-based low cost interventions and improved their skills through a series of capacity building events and finance support through bank linkages.
The organization strives for equal participation of women at every stage of the project cycle.
We design strategies to enhance women’s access to all livelihoods and use of agricultural technologies including on and off-farm time and technologies that reduce drudgery.
We promote good practices for improving women's access to hired labour and agricultural inputs, as well as to improve their participation in farmers' organizations.
We support women agriculture entrepreneurs in expanding their businesses and encouraging young women to engage in agriculture value chains as wage earners and entrepreneurs.
In the agriculture sector, we develop necessary institutional linkages to improve women's access to financial services.
The Framework